I’m cooking up something real sweet for Travis CI’s Mac builds right now. Looking forward to releasing soon!
I’m cooking up something real sweet for Travis CI’s Mac builds right now. Looking forward to releasing soon!
One of the worst parts of moving is having to find a new person to cut your hair.
I’ve been working on a side project using React and GraphQL and I’m loving it! I feel very empowered to create an awesome app and an awesome API.
This weekend we’ve played through both Inside and Firewatch so I’m kind of an emotional mess right now.
Do you ever get a reaction on one of your Slack messages and can tell immediately who did it without even checking?
Yay! A new Adventure Zone: Amnesty episode is out! I’d been getting withdrawals.
Cadence of Hyrule is the mashup I never knew I needed. The soundtrack would be exciting enough on its own, but we also get a whole game of this!?
I resubscribed to HBO to watch this Theranos documentary.
I realized the other day that if an organization is toxic, it’s always the fault/responsibility of leadership. Either they’ve failed to remove a toxic person from the organization, or they are themselves toxic.
I think a big part of why Swift was adopted so eagerly by the iOS dev community is from being stuck in a language without its features for so long. People were itching for them from experience with other languages, and couldn’t resist pushing for adoption.
Loading tweet…I was walking down the sidewalk and saw a speed limit sign, and my brain decided it needed to check if I was actually going under 25mph.
I unpacked all my Hue bulbs but I can’t find which box has the hub for them!
If you’re using Chrome, 1Password X definitely works a lot better than the Chrome extension that talks to the Mac app. I was almost never seeing prompts to save my generated logins, but 1Password X works much better.
I’ve used Swift, Go, and TypeScript enough now that putting the return type at the front of the function a la C looks wrong to me. It’s no longer where I look for that information.
My house is now very full of boxes. Let the unpacking begin!
Very excited for all of my stuff to arrive at the new house tomorrow. I want my desk and my kitchen tools back!